Tuesday 15 February 2011

Baby I need my bed back!

Forty per cent of parents share a bed with their children - but as this mum reveals, it can devastate relationships

Who¿s been sleeping in my bed? Lydia and Rosie

When I gave birth to my first baby, Anastasia, we decided she’d sleep in a Moses basket next to our bed.
After three months of trying to get some rest next to a snuffling baby who wouldn’t tolerate bedside lights or conversation above a whisper, it was a glorious day when, at three months, she moved to a cot in her own room.
Everything improved, especially my marriage —  the baby’s beady-eyed presence in our bedroom turned out to be the ultimate passion-killer for me.

Who's been sleeping in my bed? Lydia and daughter Rosie
To my astonishment, I found that several of my friends were equally desperate for this three-month epiphany — because then they could move their babies into their own beds without the risk of squashing them in their sleep.


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