Friday 4 March 2011

Kiss Artists, Models Lifestyle?

Kiss Artists, Models Lifestyle?

One of the news that could be busy on screen some time ago is when Kris Kristofferson aka KD blatant kissing lips with Raul Lemos in front of the eyes of many cameras. No need to wait a long time, this event became an instant hot news in a variety of infotainment and lasted for days.

Scene Artist kiss like this certainly lose heat than a few exciting scenes of a top Indonesian artist who broke first. But what makes this a hot news is that when it happened, KD and Raul Lemos still tangled feud with Silvalay Noor Athalia. KD touted as the third woman in marriage Raul Lemos and Atha. Previously, Raul also mentioned as a third party who destroys household and Anang Hermansyah KD.

This event is too hot rolling. National Commission on Children and even feel the need to assess the scene to intervene because the artist did not deserve this kiss was shown in public.

Viewed from the point of propriety East cultural norms, which do the kissing scene KD and her boyfriend did not deserve it. They are not husband and wife, even was in the middle of the issue of infidelity. The occurrence of this incident does show that the kissing scene artist is already a common thing? Is the world keartisan is identical to the hedonist lifestyle, infidelity, hug kiss and free sex ?
Artist Lifestyle

G aya-free life is actually not only exist in the world keartisan. This lifestyle is on almost all levels of society regardless of their profession. We some times shocked by the sex scandal involving members of the honorable. We are also appalled by the scandal ever made sex or sexual abuse committed by unscrupulous teachers or lecturers.

Though equally condemned and reap the reaction spicy, scandalous entertainment performed on stage as artists lip kissing in public have a worrying impact.

The artist was an idol for some members of the public. News about them is always eagerly awaited. This is also why infotainment programs always sold well and full of ads. Positive news about the artist awaited idol, negative news was awaited. The fans, especially fans, do not hesitate to imitate all behavior of the artist idol this.

There was what is called in by Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory. In this theory, Bandura argues that individual behavior is attributed to the automatic reflex of the stimulus is also a reaction by interaction between individual and his environment. In the process of social learning, individuals learn through Imitation and modeling.

The behavior of celebrities, including actress kissing scene was a matter of learning for its fans. If there is repeated, the fans will think that it is something that is commonplace. It's okay if imitated and followed.

Given the artists in often used as a role model, it would be nice if these artists can maintain their behavior in public. Artist's lip kissing scene in public let alone video hot, should not be done. As role models, these artists could be responsible if the fans follow their lifestyle that is free and hedonist?

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