Friday 15 April 2011

Starved for freedom

Starved for freedom

Most adults may not realize how different America is today from the one they grew up in.

The government, for instance, has long fed schoolchildren lunch and even breakfast. But one public school in Chicago has taken it a step further -- and decided it can't trust parents to feed their children healthily enough.

So it banned home-packed sack lunches.

The mandatory "eat what we give you" policy at Little Village Academy on Chicago's West Side has the side benefit of increasing the school's lunch revenues.

But it's also leaving a lot of kids hungry.

"During a recent visit to the school," writes the Los Angeles Times , "dozens of students took the lunch but threw most of it in the garbage uneaten."

Another school in Chicago allows sack lunches, but "confiscates" snack items that officials feel have too much sugar or salt.

What's next? Will lockers be searched by Twinkie-sniffing dogs?

We used to call people who stole from our lunches "bullies." Now they're called principals.

If parents can't be trusted to feed their children properly -- and the government has the right to overrule parents at meal time -- then what's to stop social workers from monitoring dinner too?

All children are now considered wards of the state. We've moved from the Nanny State to the Supernanny State.

A different America? You bet.

A less freer one....MORE READ


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