2011 Sex Survey Maxims and Playboys
Every year we demystify women with our annual sex survey. But every year they go and remystify themselves again. Study up on this year's results-a bonanza of dirty details from nearly 8,000 girls around the country.
What is the best place to meet you?
Work 9.6%
School 16.1%
Bar or club 9.2%
Internet 5.7%
Through mutual friends 53.0%
Church/religious institution 0.9%
World of Warcraft forum 0.5%
Other 5.0%: "Anyplace-just take initiative and show interest. Nut up, fellas!"
What is the best way for a guy to break the ice?
Offer you a compliment 9.7%
Make a joke 40.6%
Introduce himself 45.9%
Start singing "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" 1.0%
Other 2.8%: "Say something about what's going on where we are."
What's the biggest potential turnoff when first meeting a man?
Bad hygiene 36.0%
Attention-seeking behavior 19.1%
Extreme shyness 4.3%
Off-color remarks 9.3%
"Pickup artist" tactics such as backhanded compliments 21.0%
Talk of his ex 5.5%
A sixth finger 0.8%
Other 3.9%: "Arrogance."
"'Pickup artist' tactics are pathetic. You know what they're doing! Means they have no confidence."--Evgenia, 26
What is the biggest turn-on when meeting a man?
Gentlemanly behavior, like opening doors 27.8%
Lots of eye contact 18.9%
He asks a lot of questions about me 11.9%
Playful teasing 37.2%
Physical contact 4.2%
33% say you should never ask a woman why she's single.
What's the best indication that you're into a guy you've just met?
I touch his arm or leg during conversation 22.4%
I don't pull away if he touches me 21.3%
I play with my hair 4.8%
I laugh at everything he says 11.5%
I tease him good-naturedly 38.8%
I grab his penis 1.2%
"On a first date a guy said, 'I can't stop staring at your breasts. They seem pretty perfect. Care to prove me right?' Um, no thank you and check, please!"--Monica, 27
Should a man always pay on the first date?
Yes 49.4%
No 24.4%
Only if he expects to go on a second date 26.2%
Work 9.6%
School 16.1%
Bar or club 9.2%
Internet 5.7%
Through mutual friends 53.0%
Church/religious institution 0.9%
World of Warcraft forum 0.5%
Other 5.0%: "Anyplace-just take initiative and show interest. Nut up, fellas!"
What is the best way for a guy to break the ice?
Offer you a compliment 9.7%
Make a joke 40.6%
Introduce himself 45.9%
Start singing "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" 1.0%
Other 2.8%: "Say something about what's going on where we are."
What's the biggest potential turnoff when first meeting a man?
Bad hygiene 36.0%
Attention-seeking behavior 19.1%
Extreme shyness 4.3%
Off-color remarks 9.3%
"Pickup artist" tactics such as backhanded compliments 21.0%
Talk of his ex 5.5%
A sixth finger 0.8%
Other 3.9%: "Arrogance."
"'Pickup artist' tactics are pathetic. You know what they're doing! Means they have no confidence."--Evgenia, 26
What is the biggest turn-on when meeting a man?
Gentlemanly behavior, like opening doors 27.8%
Lots of eye contact 18.9%
He asks a lot of questions about me 11.9%
Playful teasing 37.2%
Physical contact 4.2%
33% say you should never ask a woman why she's single.
What's the best indication that you're into a guy you've just met?
I touch his arm or leg during conversation 22.4%
I don't pull away if he touches me 21.3%
I play with my hair 4.8%
I laugh at everything he says 11.5%
I tease him good-naturedly 38.8%
I grab his penis 1.2%
"On a first date a guy said, 'I can't stop staring at your breasts. They seem pretty perfect. Care to prove me right?' Um, no thank you and check, please!"--Monica, 27
Should a man always pay on the first date?
Yes 49.4%
No 24.4%
Only if he expects to go on a second date 26.2%
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