Friday, 14 October 2011

Scarlett Johansson Nude iPhone Pictures Hacked after recently separating from her husband

Scarlett Johansson Nude iPhone Pictures Hacked after recently separating from her husband


Actress Scarlett Johansson, who is currently single after recently separating from her husband Ryan Reynolds, is another victim of the celebrity hackers ring, who have/had access to more than 100 active e-mail accounts of female celebrities, including some A-listers like ScarJo.

Vanessa Hudgens & Alexa Nikolas Make Out Photos Leaked

The FBI is currently investigating the case of the leaked celebrity nudies after former Disney star Vanessa Hudgens was once again “targeted” by people who are leaking several very compromising pictures of the actress in an attempt to “destroy” her career when she has a new movie coming out.
Scarlett Johansson Calls FBI On Naked Photos Leak

Vanessa was young and irresponsible when the pictures started leaking a few years ago, but we thought Scarlett was actually smarter. These hot celebrities should have a golden rule – do not get near a camera while naked!

Renee Olstead Raunchy Naked Pictures Leaked Scandal

Scarlett’s naked pictures were taken from her iPhone, according to TMZ. So Scarlett likes sexting too? Naughty girl!... READ MORE


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