Thursday 17 November 2011

Bradley Cooper Sexiest Man Alive 2011

Bradley Cooper Sexiest Man Alive 2011


He is devilishly handsome, extremely intelligent, wildly talented and down right charming, so why wouldn't Bradley Cooper be crowned PEOPLE Magazine's 2011 Sexiest Man Alive?

When the 36-year-old star found out he'd joined the list of elite men, like last year's winner Ryan Reynolds and two-time winners Brad Pitt and George Clooney, his first reaction wasn't one many would think of.

"My mother is going to be so happy," Cooper thought. Add family man to the list of adoring traits.

Behind all the men on PEOPLE's Sexiest list lie the women who keep them going. In Cooper's case, it's his mother Gloria.

Though "The Hangover" star was spotted with Jennifer Lopez a few weeks ago, the blue-eyed babe tells PEOPLE he is very single and doesn't quite see himself as the serial-dating sex symbol that most people do. He said, "If you're a single man and you happen to be in this business, you're deemed a player. But I don't see myself as a ladies' man."

Want more on Bradley Cooper? Head over to for their interview with the hunk and to see who else made 2011's Sexiest Men Alive list!


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