Tuesday 13 December 2011

Megan Fox start outbreak of desperate dick syndrome

Megan Fox start outbreak of desperate dick syndrome


I not penning this because it happened, I’m penning it because it exists. This picture is a grab from a behind the scenes video of FHM’s Megan Fox photo-shoot.

That in itself isn’t news but the fact that web sites across the world got caught up with desperate dick syndrome and actually managed to find the split a second of Megan’s pube mob just leaves me fucking speechless.

The picture made everywhere and hopefully you don’t need to do any mental back flips to see the point I’m making. I mean we’re not exactly talking a ZZ top here, this is pube shadow at best.

The only cure I know for desperate dick syndrome is a big dose of shut up, cos the guys who found Megan’s pubic knots could have found tits on Rubics cube.... READ MORE


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