Tuesday 15 February 2011

My husband used to be romantic - now he hardly notices me

My husband used to be romantic - now he hardly notices me

Lonely heart: A reader fears her Valentine's gestures will not be reciprocated (posed by model)

When I met my husband, he was a a great romntic. We always went out on Valentine's night and made love when we came home. Eighteen years and two teenage children later, he can't be bothered to send me a card, even though I always give him a lovely, hand-made one.
Last year, to add insult to injury, he got a mystery Valentine from another woman (I suspect someone from our local pub, where he’s always drinking and flirting).
How can I improve my chances of a nice Valentine's Day? I don't want to make a huge effort, only to be rejected.

Lonely heart: A reader fears her Valentine's gestures will not be reciprocated (posed by model)


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