Wednesday 9 March 2011

Beauty PR – The face of Success

In today’s image driven society women are increasing battling against the pressure to look and feel attractive. In recent years there has been a huge emphasis placed upon the ideal female figure – and a belief that ‘skinny’ and beauty go hand in hand. On top on this, new research has suggested that one in three women would not be willing to step out of their homes without any make up – even popping to the shops! With this new information in mind Beauty PR consultants representing cosmetic brands need to use effective public relations to promote products to help achieve a ‘natural look’, for the many women that feel uncomfortable in public without the help of cosmetics, but do not want to look overly made up.

This mentality also extends to the work place with one in four women feeling that going bare would be deemed unprofessional and may result in them being overlooked for promotion. It is important for public relations agencies to use this information along with the female population’s increasing dependency on makeup to push neutral colours and weightless products to help with a flawless, work appropriate look that will become a necessity in daily life. As Superdrug’s Sara Wolverson suggests; ‘for many women the thought of people seeing them bare faced can be horrifying.’ In recent years the trend for strong but delicate beauty has seen an increase in a neutral palate including creams, browns, and gold with an accent of statement colour – for example bold lips.

 The media’s fascination with natural beauty and pace at which they are willing to pounce if a celebrity suffers a makeup malfunction allows some insight into the pressure women have to contend with and this is something that Consumer PR agents can flag up, in order to gain good coverage for their clients. A recent example of a celebrity mishap that has been highlighted by the press is Eva Longoria, who was pictured wearing an under eye concealer far too light for her natural skin tone. Images such as this can be the subject of much embarrassment for high profile stars such as Longoria and the media’s willingness to emphasise her misfortune demonstrates the importance placed upon women looking fantastic at all times. Through the use of strategic media relations makeup brands can reach a mass female audience – all desperate to be the image of perfection, and not suffer a similar ‘Eva style’ nightmare.

Most shockingly, the recent research has also revealed that one in ten women would not be willing to let their partner see them without their war paint on; with many women even getting up early to re touch. Statistics such as this make it even more important for beauty brands to create products that enable women to achieve a subtle ‘glowing’ look and for Public relations consultancies to publicise them effectively.Read More ...


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