Thursday, 17 March 2011

Courtney Love Wanted To Snort Kurt Cobain's Ashes??

Love Wanted To Snort Curt

What?! Like you've never thought of snorting your loved ones before!

LOLz, gross!
Nick Strauss, a former music reporter and now author has a new book, and it def claims that the Hole singer tried to get him to snort some of Cobain's ashes with her.
Nick says:
"She was serious when she made the suggestion. She actually said she would offer his ashes to me first to snort and then said she would like them."
We find that pretty repulsive, actually!
But apparently this isn't so uncommon, because Keith Richards says in his own book that he snorted some of his father's ashes when some blew out onto a table.
We don't even… just… what's the mindset there??
So how did the exchange between Nick and Love go down?
Like this:
"She leaped off her bed and suddenly said, 'Say hi to Kurt,'" Strauss told. The singer then produced a tin container which contained a "plastic bag full of white ashes."
"Too bad you don't do coke," Love said, according to Strauss. "Otherwise I'd suggest taking a metal straw to it."
"Yeah, I don’t think that would be the right thing to do," the writer claims he replied.
"I'd like to though," Love reportedly said.
Are we the only ones who find this pretty bizarre?
We hope not!
At least she had the manners to offer, we guess!
Do U think this is strange and a little bit creepy??
[Image via WENN.]


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