Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Republican debate Unfiltered Behind the scenes 2012

Republican debate Unfiltered Behind the scenes 2012


It’s debate day in New Hampshire and Post reporters are on the scene to cover the Bloomberg/Washington Post Republican Presidential Debate and the heavy politicking that precedes it.

National Politics editor Steven Ginsberg took this photo Monday: "Mitt Romney, the latest in a long line of candidates to stop at Robie's Country Store in Hookset, N.H. (Steven J. Ginsberg - The Washington Post via Instagram)

While the candidates take advantage of the debate schedule to pack in stops in the first-in-the-nation primary state, our reporters are documenting them as no one could on previous presidential campaigns: Using the iPhone app Instagram as part of our 2012 Unfiltered project.

We’ll be updating our photo gallery as reporter Philip Rucker, debate co-moderator Karen Tumulty, editor Steven Ginsberg and others from the Post get up-close shots with the particpants. ... READ MORE


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