Sunday, 16 October 2011

Yulia Tymoshenko trialThe European Human Rights is powerless to deal with the real evils

Yulia Tymoshenko trialThe European Human Rights is powerless to deal with the real evils


The European Human Rights system grants foreign murders the right to have a family life but it is powerless to deal with the real evils of a show-trial of a former Prime Minister in the ex-Soviet state of Ukraine.

This Ukranian episode clearly demonstrates the toothlessness of European human rights system to bring about any real and effective civil liberties in the countries that need it the most.

It also illustrates the sheer absurdity of Britain complying with every judgment of a system that, when it comes to the crunch, really cannot be left to protect the civil liberties of those who need it most.

This is now crystal clear from the empty wallowing of the EU following the evidently politically motivated Ukranian criminal sentence of their former PM, Yulia Tymoshenko. Yulia was once the heroine of the ‘Orange Revolution’ that sought to democratise and modernise Ukraine.

We give millions of pounds to the EU, which has now absorbed the European human rights mechanism into itself, but there is nothing that this system can do about Stalinistic trials conducted by the current Ukranian government in order to get rid of its biggest rival.

Meanwhile convicted rapists in the UK are given more European human rights than homeless ex-Servicemen on the streets of our largest cities.

Ukraine has been a member of the European Convention of Human Rights (which we know as the Human Rights Act) since the mid-1990s; but its court system has hardly changed since the days of the USSR.... READ MORE


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