Monday, 19 December 2011

“Give Your Heart a Break” Demi Lovato New single 2011

“Give Your Heart a Break” Demi Lovato New single 2011


Demi Lovato has betrayed the night on her official Facebook page, which song her next single from the album “Unbroken” will be.

“Give Your Heart a Break” it has become a wise decision! The song is really fun to hear after two or three times to get a real catchy tune from the chorus.

At the same Demi Lovato has also released the CD cover, which is kept fairly simple and matches the number. The 19-year-old singer wrote about 13 hours:

Great news! Case you have not heard it – my new single is Unbroken Give Your Heart a Break. Definitely one of my favorites from the album.

The best: now you may listen here Demi Lovato’s new single. The video has loaded them in their official YouTube channel and posted on Facebook. You want to know just what their fans and what their supporters demanded that she gets well!

Their live debut there at 31.12. at MTV’s Times Square New Year’s Eve Special.... READ MORE


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