Monday, 21 March 2011

PGM Prices

PGM Prices

prices quoted throughout this section are Johnson Matthey Base Prices. These are the company’s quoted selling prices for wholesale quantities of platinum group metals set by our trading desks in Asia, Europe and the USA, based on market offer prices. The prices are for metal in sponge form, with minimum purities of 99.95% for platinum and palladium, and 99.9% for rhodium, iridium and ruthenium.

Current and Historical Prices
Johnson Matthey PGM Base Prices are generally set 5 times a day but, in volatile trading conditions, sometimes more often. In this section you can view the current prices and an archive of the first price set each day in each region, Asia, Europe and the USA, back to 1992.

Price Charts
Here you can create and download price charts and price data tables for platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium and ruthenium, with an option for daily prices or monthly averages. The datafeed used for charts is the London 08:00 a.m. Johnson Matthey Base Price back to July 1992.

Weekly Price Bulletins
A look back over the week's prices for platinum, palladium and rhodium. Bulletins offer Johnson Matthey's view on the reasons for any price moves. E-mail alerts are available advising when bulletins are posted with links to the week's news stories, tailored to your areas of interest.

Monthly Price Reports
A view from one of Johnson Matthey's analysts of the relevant news, events and supply/demand issues that have shaped monthly platinum group metal price movements. The section also includes an extensive archive of past reports, all in pdf format (Adobe Acrobat required).

Trading Glossary
Sometimes it can seem as though traders and analysts are speaking a different language. To help you understand what they are talking about this section provides a glossary of trading jargon that you might find in some of the reports.

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