Friday 11 November 2011

Gavin Henson's ran away from Ashley Cole

Gavin Henson's ran away from Ashley Cole


Carianne Barrow didn't fancy Ashley Cole

The Bachelor winner and Gavin Henson's girlfriend Carianne Barrow has claimed that she was once pursued by footballer Ashley Cole.

The 24-year-old model, who's considering moving to Wales to live with rugby star Gavin, says Ashley's suggestive glances went to waste because she's a big fan of his ex-wife Cheryl Cole, 28.

'Ashley Cole was once giving me the look like he fancied me in this club,' says Carianne.

'I went over to him and shouted that I loved Cheryl and ran off!

'He's not my type.'

Unlike love rat Ashley, 30, Gavin, 29, is just the kind of man Carianne was after when she signed up for the reality show.

'I'd heard of (Gavin) before, but I didn't know a great deal about him,' says Carianne.

'When I first saw he was The Bachelor I was relieved - we had no clue who it'd be and my biggest worry was, what if I don't fancy him?

'But I saw Gavin and was like, yes!' ... READ MORE


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