Saturday, 10 December 2011

December 12, 2012 finishing all about anything believed or not ?

December 12, 2012 finishing all about anything believed or not ?


Doomsday? End of the world? Well many have ideas, beliefs and proofs. Some say the Mayan Calendar Ends and the world ends, whilst others say with the Mayan Calendar ending it only means it starts all over again. Then theirs the Bibical prophecies of many like Casey, Hubbert, Nostradamus, etc. Theories of asteroid, or planet collision “Nibiru” goverment cover up.

Coinscience’s of the number 11 being significant . and on and on and on. But I came across something much more extraordinary than all that. Now, I am aware of the magnetic field is in shifting process right now, and that every 11 years the sun’s polar magnetic fields reverse. But what i didnt know was this:

Seriously read this article its most fascinating and really is an extrodinary event that is going to happen…well i should say has been happening since the its been occurring for quiet some time.

I’ll wait for your return………..
Read it?

Did you know that?? I didnt! Makes me feel like i was living under a rock, okay maybe so, afterall i breathe art, rarely watch tv or listen to the radio. And when i do watch tv its all the stuff i record and commerical free…lol . Anyway, unbeknownst to me a huge event is coming and it’s huge! What an amazing time to live in, will this event change the earth?, will we be able to see more things out there by the new positioning?, will we actual feel something at that moment?, will this cause more solar flares & worse weather patterns?, will gravity change as we know it significantly?

Please leave your thoughts, educated guess’s, other articles which apply to this post.

Judgement Day is often predictable. I do not know how many times a day it is predicted world destruction.
However, nothing is more troubling to the doomsday prophecy of the Maya.
Divination tribe, which formerly was known to be
advanced in this science, are now spread via the Internet and troubling.

In the manuscript of Mayan calendar, which is considered the most accurate calendar, events and forecast load during the period between 3113 BC to 2012 AD
Well, from the calendar that is, they predicted that on December 12, 2012, the Day of Judgement arrives.
Forecast did not mention the exact day of Judgement. There is mentioned in the Mayan language as The End of Times.
In the Mayan calendar which is very famous, predicted that in the period 1992-2012 the earth will be "purified", then human civilization will end this now and start entering a new civilization.
In the history of the world's ancient civilizations, the Mayans known for mastering the knowledge about a particular astronomy and deep, perfect dating system, an elaborate astronomical calculation methods of abstract thinking and high.
Perfection and the accuracy of The times make people wonder.
This mysterious group of people who lived in southern Mexico now (Yucatan) Guetemala, northern Belize and western Honduras. Lots of pyramids, temples and ancient buildings built by the Maya who still can be found there.
There are also many stone carvings and mysterious writings on the tables that they left behind.
The archaeologists believe that the Maya had a great civilization. It can be seen from relics such as books, tables of stone, and the stories of mystical.
But it true, the Day of Judgement will arrive in 2012?
In the book Apocalypse 2012 (Lawrence E Joseph: 2007), author of the bloody Lebanese who served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aerospace Consulting Corporation in New Mexico is presented very clearly and scientifically about the possibility of natural disasters in the year.
Disasters, among others, the cycle of solar activity which peaked in 2012 which led to great heat in the earth, especially the atmosphere has experienced thinning and perforated in several parts so that in addition to heating the earth with radicals also melt the ice at the poles and also cause storms and hurricanes that awesome.
Earth's magnetic field that serves as the primary defense against solar radiation the earth began to crack. Polar shift is also underway.
Center of the solar energy entering the field of interstellar clouds. The cloud that activate and destroy the balance of the sun and the planets atmosphere.
The Russian geophysicists argue that when the earth will enter a cloud of energy in the year 2012 to 2020 and will lead to major disasters like never before.
Imuwan states dinosaurs and other species have become extinct due to a giant asteroid impact 65 million years ago.
According cycle scientifically calculated, should it have happened again in the present moment.
Interestingly, the Mayan prophecy (as well as the Hopi tribe, Ancient Egypt, and several other ancient tribes) in the calendar with details of 2012 revealed that an early end at the same time the new age.
Like the birth of a son of man, the birth of this new age would be filled with blood.
Ancient book of Chinese, the I Ching, also declared a major disaster will occur in 2012.
Solar Storm === ====
Outside the Mayan prophecy that the basis of the calculation is not yet known, according to Deputy for Information Science and Aerospace Studies, Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan), Bambang S Tedjasukmana, a phenomenon that can be predicted emergence in around the year 2011-2012 was the storm the sun.
This prediction is based on the monitoring of space weather monitoring centers in several countries since the 1960s and in Indonesia by Lapan since 1975.
The Center for Space Science Utilization Lapan, Sri Kaloka, explains solar storms occur when it appears flares and Coronal Mass Ejection (CME).
Flare is a huge explosion in the solar atmosphere a power equivalent to 66 million times the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast.
The CME is a very big explosion that causes the particles burst of speed 400 kilometers per second.
Sun weather disturbances can affect the condition of cargo space to the Earth's magnetic influence, further impacting on the electrical system, which relies on transport satellite navigation global positioning system (GPS) and communication systems that use satellite communications and high-frequency waves (HF), and can endanger the lives or human health.
"Because the Earth's magnetic interference, pacemaker users can experience significant disruption," said Sri, as quoted in
Anticipatory measures
From the sun, billions of particles of electrons down to the ionosphere of the earth in four days, obviously Jiyo Harjosuwito, Head of Research Group Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation.
The impact of the invasion of the electron particle in a magnetic pole mummy lasted for several days.
During that time may be anticipatory measures to reduce its impact.
Anticipating the emergence of space storms, continued Bambang, Lapan is building the center of an integrated space weather monitoring system at the Center for Space Science Utilization Lapan Bandung.
Objects that are monitored include layers of the ionosphere and geomagnetic, and radio waves.
This system will be fully operational in January 2009.
Anticipatory measures that have been done Lapan is to contact the parties who may be affected by the advent of space storms, which Dephankam, Army, Department of Transportation, PLN, and Depkominfo, and local government. Currently training for local government officials who operate the HF radio has been done long ago, now there are about 500 people who are trained to face the radio signal interference.
Bambang urged PLN to perform anticipatory steps to perform the electrical system outage in order to avoid a more severe impact.
To that end, socialization should be done in public when the move will be taken.
In addition, aviation and shipping which rely on GPS satellite navigation system should be used as a manual system when a space storm happen, in guiding the takeoff or landing of aircraft.
Electron density changes caused by space weather, clear of researchers from the PPSA Lapan, Effendi, can change the speed of radio waves when passing through the ionosphere, giving rise to the GPS signal propagation delai.
These changes resulted in deviations in the determination of distance and position.
In addition, microelectronics components in satellite navigation and communications will be damaged so that the life is accelerating, so that it can no longer function.
Currently Lapan has developed a planning model to deal with the use of frequency interference to HF radio communications.
"Currently being prepared for the field of modeling the same navigation," said Bambang.

What will happen in 2012?



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